The Creation of Earth's Moon
At around four and a half billion years ago, Earth received a collision from an object known as Theia. The recent discovery may be able to solve the question of how the moon was formed and why it is so similar to Earth.
One of the biggest mysteries in terms of the creation of the moon and why it is possibly a mystery is that our moon is tremendously large for a moon. Most moons out there in the solar system are very small compared to Earth’s moon. Moreover, there is something else that is very unusual about our Moon. It is the fact that the composition of Earth’s moon is exceptionally similar to Earth.
The moon rocks are very similar to Earth and we could not explain how the moon was created due to this. The modern interpretation of the creation story is that once upon a time, approximately four and a half billion years ago, Earth received a collision from an object known as Theia. This object collided with Earth in such a way that it generated a huge explosion and a tremendous amount of debris that was released into the lower and higher obit of our planet. Following the collision, it eventually resulted in the creation of the new Earth and the moon. This is a very simplified version of the actual event because no matter how we look at this, some things do not seem to add up.